Attend fall and winter Area Meetings* | 100 |
3 or more Education Advocate Leaders* | 50 |
Attend and vote at both OEA RAs** | 100 |
Elect full complement of delegates to OEA RA** | 100 |
Attend and vote at Central RA* | 100 |
Attend OEA Treasurers’ Workshop* | 50 |
Constitution & Bylaws compliance** | 50 |
Produce and submit four or more local newsletters*** | 200 |
Meet your OEA Fund goal** | 50 |
Membership: 90%+ or increase by 3%** | 200 |
Attend FCPE candidate screening** | 50 |
Attend Central’s building rep training* | 50 |
Attend Central’s presidents training* | 50 |
Attend Central’s All Area Dinner* | 50 |
Members attending Central’s Power Up Conference* | 50 |
Members attending Central’s Diversity Conference* | 50 |
TOTAL | $1300 |
**Data received from OEA or Central OEA/NEA
***Submit to:
Quarterly newsletters shall go out to all local members and share from the following suggestions along with any local news:
1. Central, OEA and/or NEA upcoming events for: PD, leadership development, diversity training, lobbying, FCPE drive, RA news, etc.
2. Local tidbits: such as meeting dates and places, a “contractual right of members”, something positive about one or more member or local committee
3. Share with your local’s newsletter editor that s/he should send a digital copy when sending to your members to