Education Advocate Leaders (EALs) are members! They strengthen their Local Associations legislative and political grassroots capacity year-round, by engaging fellow members around legislative and political campaigns.

Each local should try to have at least one Education Advocate Leader to represent primary, one for intermediate, one for secondary educators and one to represent the different classifications in a classified local, SCOPE or Higher Ed.

Central OEA/NEA will provide a $100 stipend to each local Education Advocate Leader who meets the Mandatory Criteria.

To become an Education Advocate Leader, apply online:
A list of criteria for receiving the Education Advocate Leader stipend follows.

Mandatory Criteria:
• Communicate with your local/colleagues on education issues
• Contribute to the OEA Fund
• Recruit at least 10 colleagues to receive Central ACE's emails and send their addresses to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• Attend an Education Advocate Leader training session
• Join the OEA Outreach Circle

Strongly Recommended:
• Play an active role in local election activities
• Attend OEA phone banks or an OEA sponsored canvass
• Like and Share Central Social Media Content
Stipends are paid to Education Advocate Leaders who have completed all the mandatory requirements.

Education Advocate Leader training details: We will have a virtual training on October 5th, 2022 at 5:00 PM via Zoom.

Topics covered will include:
• Communication & Involvement (sign up colleagues to ACE’s list, disseminating info to your local)
• How to sign up for the OEA Outreach Circle
• How to sign up for and use the Hustle App
• Cyber lobbying, and engaging Central, OEA, NEA Social Media
• Understanding what the Fund is & is not
• Statehouse lobbying
• EAL Stipend Criteria
• Campaign 2022
To apply to become an Education Advocate Leader apply online: